The Antares launcher on Linux and macOS, showing information from the factory scenario’s title, author, and version.
Every plugin must contain a file named at the top level. It contains general information about the plugin, including the title, author, and plugin format version.
Yes. Every plugin must have an file.
The file should be named, not within any directory.
An file is a procyon file with the following fields:
Field | Req? | Type |
title | yes | string |
identifier | no | sha1 |
format | yes | string |
download_url | no | url |
author | yes | string |
author_url | no | url |
version | yes | string |
intro | no | string |
about | no | string |
A string containing the title of the plugin. This is shown when listing installed plugins. By default, it is also used to record a player’s progress within the scenario: if the title is changed, then players will lose their progress and go back to chapter 1 (but an identifier can be used to fix that).
A 40-character SHA-1 hash, used to record a player’s progress in the plugin. By default, the hash of title is used. To change the plugin’s title without causing players to lose their progress, set identifier to the hash of the original title.
This must be 21, indicating the current version of the Antares plugin format.
If provided, this will be shown as a link to download the latest version of the scenario.
A string crediting the author of the scenario. This is required, but you may prefer to use a pseudonym instead of your real name.
If provided, this will be shown as a link with the author.
A string identifying the plugin version. No particular versioning scheme is enforced, but N.N.N (for example, 1.2.0 or 0.9.1) is recommended.
If you update a plugin, be sure to update the version number too. In a net game, all players must use identical copies of the plugin, and version numbers help players coordinate.
A text crawl that will be displayed on startup the first time that the plugin is opened, or whenever the player selects “Replay Intro” from the main menu.
Supports the same formatting codes as levels’ prologues and epilogues.
A text crawl that will be displayed whenever the player selects “About” from the main menu. The Hera instructions for editing the about text state:
You may insert your own credit at the beginning of the existing credits text. Do not delete or alter the rest of the text.
For Antares, you may completely replace the credits text if you want to. However, if you incorporate any part of the original text, you must follow the instructions as given above.
Supports the same formatting codes as levels’ prologues and epilogues.