
By: Chris Pickel On: July 13 2016 In: antares, preview

Oops, it’s been more than a year since the last post. As always, work is ongoing, but not quickly. Planned for the next release are better Linux support and a more modern plugin format.

Perhaps a future post will discuss what problems I think the current plugin format has, but in lieu of that, here’s a quick preview of what the new set of tools would use:

type:       "solo"
chapter:    4
  > \i Chapter 2
  | \iThe Stars Have Ears
  * type:           "human"
    race:           "ish"
    name:           "The Human/Ishiman Cooperative"
    earning_power:  0.004
  * type:  "cpu"
    race:  "gai"
    name:  "The Gaitori Union"
  * "-Destroy all 4"
  * "_-relay dishes."
  * "4\\0\\0\\4\\f\\t\\Remaining: \\/4"
song:       5001
  * base:     "loc/relay"
    owner:    1
    rename:   "Relay Dish 1"
    at:       {x: 7043, y: 4521}
    earning:  1.0
  * base:        "ish/hvc"
    owner:       0
    at:          {x: 7652, y: 8695}
    attributes:  {is_player_ship: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: 6434, y: 4695}
    target:      0
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: 2608, y: 2086}
    target:      16
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: 3739, y: 2434}
    target:      16
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/gunship"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -347, y: -1913}
    target:      17
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -1130, y: -2347}
    target:      17
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -347, y: -2782}
    target:      17
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/gunship"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -1043, y: -5043}
    target:      18
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -2695, y: -4173}
    target:      18
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -1826, y: -4434}
    target:      18
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "gai/cruiser"
    owner:       1
    at:          {x: -1913, y: -4956}
    target:      18
    attributes:  {static_destination: true}
  * base:        "obi/escort"
    owner:       0
    at:          {x: -8695, y: 6782}
    target:      1
    attributes:  {initially_hidden: true}
  * base:        "obi/escort"
    owner:       0
    at:          {x: -6695, y: 8347}
    target:      1
    attributes:  {initially_hidden: true}
  * base:             "loc/bunker"
    owner:            1
    rename:           "Myrmidon Station"
    at:               {x: -1652, y: -4173}
    earning:          1.0
    sprite_override:  1200
  * base:    "loc/sun"
    rename:  "Myrmidon"
    at:      {x: 0, y: 0}
  * base:     "loc/relay"
    owner:    1
    rename:   "Relay Dish 2"
    at:       {x: 3217, y: 2000}
    earning:  1.0
  * base:     "loc/relay"
    owner:    1
    rename:   "Relay Dish 3"
    at:       {x: 2000, y: -1130}
    earning:  1.0
  * base:     "loc/relay"
    owner:    1
    rename:   "Relay Dish 4"
    at:       {x: 1043, y: -4347}
    earning:  1.0
  * type:        "counter"
    op:          "eq"
      * type:    "win"
        player:  0
        next:    5
          > Mission completed. You destroyed all four of the sensor relay dishes.
    persistent:  true
    disabled:    false
    player:      0
    counter:     0
    value:       4
  * type:        "destroyed"
    op:          "eq"
      * type:    "win"
        player:  1
          > You lost your heavy cruiser, failing to destroy all four relay dishes.
    persistent:  false
    disabled:    false
    initial:     1
    value:       true
  * type:        "destroyed"
    op:          "eq"
      * type:       "reveal"
        reflexive:  true
        which:      12
      * type:       "reveal"
        reflexive:  true
        which:      13
      * type:       "message"
        reflexive:  true
        delay:      120
            | SOURCE: OMV Treejumper, Escort 3856
            | Humans: your bravery has impressed us. We are honored to offer our
            > assistance in the destruction of the relay dishes. Stand by. \i<EOT>\i
    persistent:  false
    disabled:    false
    initial:     17
    value:       true
  * object:  15
    title:   "Myrmidon"
      > The Gaitori in this system have deployed a series of long-range scanner
      > relay dishes, designed to gather information on our ship movements.
      > You are to put an end to this intrusion by destroying all four relay
      > stations.
  * object:  1
    title:   "Cruiser"
      > ^Pish/hvc^You'll be dropped in here. Your only ship for this mission is
      > this heavy cruiser. It's speedier than the standard cruiser, and has an
      > improved rapid-fire fusion pulse gun. Save your guided missiles for
      > difficult targets. If you lose the cruiser, the mission will be aborted.
  * object:  0
    title:   "Relay Dish 1"
      > ^Ploc/relay^This the the first of the four Relay Stations you should
      > destroy. The stations are unarmed, and are only protected by deflector
      > shields.
  * object:  2
    title:   "Cruiser"
      > ^Pgai/cruiser^There are Gaitori cruisers stationed at each dish. Their
      > cruisers are slow, but are armed with rapid-fire concussive pellet guns.
  * object:  16
    title:   "Relay Dish 2"
      > This is dish is your second target.
  * object:  17
    title:   "Relay Dish 3"
      > The third dish is your next target.
      | ^Pgai/gunship^This dish is being guarded by a gunship. Gaitori gunships
      > are not heavily armored, but they have converted atomic pulse mining
      > guns, which fire powerful long-range homing pulses.
  * object:  18
    title:   "Relay Dish 4"
      > This is the last Relay Station you should destroy. With a gunship and
      > two cruisers nearby, it's the most heavily guarded.
  * object:  14
    title:   "Myrmidon Station"
      > ^Pbrf/habitat^The Gaitori habitat station in the Myrmidon System is
      > heavily armed. We recommend that you keep a safe distance from this
      > station.
  * title:  "Obish Escorts"
      > ^Pobi/escort^A pair of Obish escorts is in the region. They've expressed
      > an interest in aiding us in destroying the Relay Stations, but have
      > indicated that they would like to observe your progress first. They may
      > choose to join you during the mission. The Obish Escorts have Salrilian
      > stealth fields and Ishiman core pulse guns.
starmap:    {x: 393, y: 282}
par_time:   120
par_kills:  10
  > Your ship was destroyed. We cannot supply you with vessels if you are
  > this poor a pilot.